Wednesday, April 17, 2013


On Monday I let go of my hair.
Snipped my strands.
Braved the submission to sissors.

I had been growing out my color for a few months so that I could just let the grey....well, be grey.  But, the half color half grey look was so not attractive. So, I decided all the long curly auburn locks must come off. When my stylist was done I had Fantine-short hair!

I don't know what was more shocking to me-the short cut or the totally (almost) grey head of hair I now sport.  It was rather traumatic.

But, that was Monday. Since then I have embraced my new look and can't imagine ever having long hair again. My morning routine is so much easier.  My hair takes ten minutes to style, and once it is styled, it stays that way all day. And, I feel so much lighter.  And adventuresome. And, hipper. (short short pixies are 'in').

What freedom!