Monday, August 14, 2017


"Moonlight. Fireflies. Wolves. Star gazing. Stillness. Lovemaking. Dreaming. Magic.
I am in love with the night."

Memories are made sitting around a campfire telling stories, singing songs, or making s'mores!  We knew we wanted ours to be a cozy space for entertaining......
Our landscaper used various sized boulders gathered from our woods to create the fire pit circle and the wall surrounding the area. He even found some beautiful flat boulders he incorporated for built in seating! He then filled in the space with huge colorful flagstones.
We are thrilled with the result!  It is cozy and comfortable as well as stunningly beautiful!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


" I have a room all to is called Nature." - Henry David Thoreau

My husband, Tom, and I own a wee bit of paradise on Presque Isle Lake.  We have owned the land in northern Wisconsin for 23 years-having bought it with intentions to build our very own dream cabin way back then.  But, shortly after that, the economy took a downturn, so we put our plans on hold.  Luckily, the property came with a quaint little old cabin that we cleaned up and used. For 23 years. But, accommodating six of us in that tiny space was a lot easier when the kids were young.  Now they are grown, getting married and having babies of their own...and that little cabin just couldn't hold everyone anymore. So, finally, last fall we began the building process...

...and finished a few weeks ago ( well, we still have plenty of decorating to do, but, that will come in time) and are currently working on the landscaping.

We have been going up most every weekend, but, as soon as Tom finishes his final development project here in Mc Farland (hopefully by summer's end), we hope to spend much more time exploring our northern wilderness while we are 'roughing it in style' at our cozy new home on the lake.