Thank you for saving us from ourselves, for waiting patiently for us...for giving us ample opportunities throughout the years to change our destructive course, to wake up and listen to our earth. Thank you for the opportunity to see that we have been steadily moving toward our own demise, pushing our earth over the edge of what she can sustain.
Thank you for showing us exactly how sick we have made our ecosystem by creating those same symptoms in us. Maybe by our own difficulty in breathing, we will recognize the connection to our pollution wrecking the earth’s atmosphere, the perpetual fire season in her forests, the rising of her seas.
Thank you for pressing the pause button allowing for the reflection all of us need to rest and recharge, for creating space for stillness, for cultivating an ability to listen deeply. Thank you for showing us how interdependent and intertwined we all are...for we are not separate from one another.
Thank you for reawakening our creativity and our resourcefulness. Thank you for reminding us of the valuable role of artists, those who remind us of the beauty of being alive, and of those who inspire us to imagine a more magnificent future.
As you teach us, I also ask that you have mercy on us...please be kind to those who already struggle with survival. Please protect all who man the front lines: those who do not have a choice but to continue working in dangerous environments, and those who care for the sick and put themselves in harms way everyday they go to work. I also ask that you are compassionate with those who most need to receive the wisdom you are here to deliver, that you not cause more suffering than is necessary for your truth to be realized.
When the storm passes, I envision a new world will rise from the ashes, a world where all life is sacred. For my part, I pledge I will slow down to fully receive the messages of what I am being called to create in that new world. I commit to give generously to those who have suffered the most.
I have absolute faith that the end of this story will be one to celebrate a defining moment when we remember who we truly are, that there will be a hidden gift encoded in the pandemic, a prayer for all the non believers: that we really are all one human family, and together we can find a better way.
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